Electronics recycling
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Home / Scrap Telecommunication Equipment we buy / Alcatel


B.W. Recycling, Inc is buying all kinds of Alcatel equipment for recycling such as Alcatel phone systems, expansion cards, digital, analog or IP phones we pick-up for free anywhere in the US.
1000 E10 / S12
E10 versions
E10A (E10N3)
E10B (E10N1)
E10-MT formerly Thomson MT-25, MT20.
E10-Five E10B
E10S satellite switching unit.
E10-MSC mobile switching center for GSM and other protocols.
1000 (MM) E10
S12 - Formerly known as "System 12" or the ITT 1240
OmniPCX Office
OmniPCX Enterprise

Electronics recycling

Tell us what kind of electronics you have for recycling, please note that we only buy in bulk (large quantities).



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